Monday 4 May 2009

Book Choice #11:

Roy Richard Grinker: Isabel's World

An excellent read for those interested in educating themselves about Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Introduces a different viewpoint from most books on autism as the author is both a father of an autistic daughter and an anthropologist. 

As a father of a six year old son with autism I found the first half of the book useful, if familiar solid ground as it neatly wraps up the current thinking on the rise in autism rates, it's history, possible causes, the role of genetics, etc.

The second half of the book was more interesting to me as this broke further ground than most 'guides to autism' style books, by taking a look at how autism is viewed in different cultures around the world - particularly S. Korea, India, South Africa and Native American.

Recommended to all parents, carers and researchers involved with autistic spectrum disorders.

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